Category: Events
MPS Awareness Day Coffee Morning 21st May 2015
21st May 2015
Hello All, its that time of year again, we are having Annual MPS Coffee Morning in aid of Aoibhe and The Irish MPS Society for MPS Awareness Day, Its on the 21st of May 2015 in Killeagh Community Hall from 9am to 12pm. We have some wonderful prizes for our raffle again this year. so pop in for Tea, coffee, cakes and a chat. we are trying to raise vital funds for the society, The Irish MPS Society is a voluntary support group which represents and supports children and adults suffering from Mucopolysaccharide and related diseases, their families, carers and professionals. Any baking and prizes are very welcome
Dates for your Diary 2014
Dates for Your Diary 2014
Remembrance Day in Belvedere House & Gardens, Mullingar, Co Westmeath
Saturday, 30th August 2014
All Ireland MPS and Fabry Conference (click for more details)
12 -14 September 2014 Hilton Templepatrick
13th International Symposium on MPS and Related Diseases (Click for more details)
13 – 17, August 2014, Costa do Sauipe, Bahia State, Brazil.
Christmas Party in The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co Kildare
Saturday, 29th November 2014
More details for each of these upcoming events to follow in due course
Irish MPS Families – Important date for your diary
Irish MPS Families – Important date for your diary
Irish MPS Families – Important date for your diary
MPS Patient Day will take place on March 29th 2014
in the Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co Kildare.
We will have several speakers.
Doctor Greg Pastores the new Adult Metabolic Doctor in the Mater Hospital will be speaking along with invited guest speakers.
It will be very informative day for all MPS/ML Patients, Children & Adults.
We hope to have childcare facilities in place too.
We will post more information on speakers, Topics, etc. soon.
Keep March 29th 2014 free to attend in your diary.
Look forward to seeing as many families as possible.
Dates for your diary 2013
Dates for Your Diary 2013
May Bank Holiday Weekend Kilcuan, Clarinbridge, Co Galway
03th – 06th May 2013
Remembrance Day in Belvedere House & Gardens, Mullingar, Co Westmeath
Saturday, 31st August 2013
Christmas Party in The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co Kildare
Saturday, 23rd November 2013
More details for each of these upcoming events to follow in due course
Christmas Cards Now On Sale
Yes its that time of year once again when our Christmas Cards go on Sale

Please click on the link to download the order form Christmas Card Order Form 2012
2nd Annual Kilkenny 7 a side Charity Soccer Tournment
International MPS Conference 2012
International MPS Conference 2012
The 12th International symposium on MPS and related diseases took place in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
To view abstracts and videos from the Conference please visit: and also our own photographs below